Graduation Signature Sign
Hammer & Stain Pottstown
Do you have a senior graduating this year? Let us help you capture the moment with our new Graduation Signature Sign. This is the perfect keepsake to remember this special moment.
Signs are made on an 18" Round with a 3D Name, Class of 2022 and Cap. You will be able to customize your sign by selecting a background stain as well as the colors for the cap, name and class of pieces.
We will complete this project for you and notify you when it is ready for pickup.
To Order:
- Enter in the name for the sign(please check spelling)
- Enter the background color you would like for the board(stain colors are marked by letters)
- Enter the colors you would like for the name, class of and cap(paint colors are marked by numbers. Each board is a separate stain to show what the paints will look like on the stain)
- Agree to terms, add to cart and continue with the checkout process.
This is a WOOD project. Although we select our wood with care, your project may have random chips, cracks, knots, and other natural blemishes that give it unique character.
Any questions please email us @
Regular price